Hello Foodies,
New York's Museum of Modern Art (MOMA) now hosts the Modern, one of the city's finest restaurants, but its permanent collections say little about food. Think of Andy Warhol's iconic Campbell's Soup Cans (1962): you could almost taste a spoonful of that tomato soup, though that wasn't Warhol's point, was it?
But a new temporary exhibition, Counter Space: Design and the Modern Kitchen on view through March 14, 2011, offers kitchen objects and fine art images by turns whimsical and serious, unified by fine design. The focus of the show is the "Frankfurt Kitchen," a compact work space designed by Margarete (Grete) Schütte-Lihotzky for residents of the German city's housing estates after World War I.
the Forks
A Less Brutal Alternative to IVF
2 hours ago